www.livebard.com |
Website last updated:
29-Jul-2024 ____________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Alfred Tennyson Rudyard Kipling Available for public or private performances. The Live Bard, ___________________________
During the span of human existence prior to the advent of the printing press, storytellers wandered Eurasia, recounting the fables of alternately benevolent or vengeful gods, or the heroic sagas and hapless yarns of mortal human beings. It was through these itinerant performers, or “bards,” that ancient or medieval communities could learn of the legends of their age: The caprice of deities on Mount Olympus, the exploits of the Trojan Wars, or, as the centuries progressed, the epic poems of Beowulf or Siegfried, and the gallantry of King Arthur's knights. As wandering entertainers, bards had knowledge of cities and lands that rural folk, bound to the soil, could never hope to experience. Accordingly, a bard was welcomed by villagers as a novelty; he was both a provider of news and a purveyor of dreams, and his historical or mythological accounts offered momentary escape from the daily routine of mundane existence. It is in this spirit that the Live Bard travels about today, reciting dramatic tales that appeal to all ages. People from all walks of life still enjoy live performances of narrative verse, those chronicles of real or imaginary events that often utilize the prosodic tools of meter and rhyme to convey their captivating tales. We hope to see you soon. The mark of a worthy poet is the ability to appeal